Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bailey - 6 Months

My sweet sweet boy is 6 months already!  Where did the time go?  He is rolling over (both ways) with ease, sitting up by himself, pushing himself up into the crawling position, eating real food, holding his own bottle, and babbling like a mad man.  He's getting ready to crawl and there's a tooth in there somewhere that is going to pop out any day (at least that's what we keep telling ourselves to justify the ludicrous amount of drool be produced).  We just had our six month check-up and he was off the charts in height (29 1/4 inches - as tall as an 11 month old!!!) and 75 percentile in weight (19 lbs).  Here are a few recent pictures from around the house.

Holding my bottle all by myself!

So cool I only need one hand.

Just hanging out on the changing table.  This kid LOVES to be naked.

Look at those baby blues :-)

Sweet boy

Laughing at Daddy.  I wish this one wasn't so fuzzy. :-(

Mmm my fingers are yummy.

Hey mom!