Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cord Blood Preservation

As most of you may know by now, we are expecting a baby boy in August.  In preparation for Bailey's birth, Drew and I have made the proactive decision to become involved in cord blood preservation.  Umbilical cord blood is a unique source of noncontroversial stem cells, which are the building blocks of organ tissue, blood, and the immune system.  They can also be turned into other cells, such as heart, muscle, and nerve cells.  Unlike most conventional medicines that treat symptoms, cellular medicines focus on correcting and/or replacing diseased or damaged cells. 

Cord blood stem cells are now used to treat over 80 life-threatening diseases, including many cancers, blood disorders, metabolic disorders, and immunodeficiencies.  These cells are also being researched as potential treatment options for many additional diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cerebral palsy. What's exciting is that the baby's cord blood has the potential to be used not only for the child, but also for siblings and other family members who may require a stem cell transplant.  To learn more about the valuable process of cord blood research, treatment, and banking, feel free to visit the ViaCord website.

In 2009, the lifetime probability of undergoing a stem cell transplant was 1 in 217.    With the rates of cancers, diabetes, immune disorders, and other diseases skyrocketing, the future possibilities for cord blood use are seemingly endless.  We believe this potentially lifesaving option what the right decision for our baby and for our family, providing us the peace of mind of knowing that our baby’s cord blood will be available should the need for a medical transplant ever arise.

As part of the cord blood preservation process, we have created the ViaCord Gift Registry.  Through this registry, we are inviting those close to us to help participate in a unique baby gift that could last a lifetime.  The ViaCord Gift Registry gives our friends and family an opportunity to contribute to our ViaCord account and become involved in our decision to preserve our child's cord blood.  We recognize that this may not be a conventional baby registry gift, and may not be for everyone.  However, we believe strongly in the power of cord blood stem cells and hope that you will help us provide this amazing gift to our child.  Your generosity means so much to us and Drew and I can’t thank you enough for any contributions you may choose to make.

To view our announcement online or to make a contribution, please click here.  Again, thank you in advance!

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